Physiotherapy & recovery

Cryostimulation (cryotherapy) is of the most important methods in modern physiotherapy. This is universally rocognised solution which is perfectly safe, effective and brings no side effects. One of its greatest advantages is that it helps to reduce pain and to shorten postoperative rehabilitation, for example, after reconstructive joint surgeries.

Cryostimulation and neurocryostimulation  is an application of cryogenic temperature (from -80°C to -140°C) for a short time (120-180 seconds) in order to trigger physiological reaction to the cold. The effects of such treatment include metabolism boost, enzymatic activation, pain reduction, blood pressure increase etc. Therefore, it is extremely helpful in healing various local disorders or injuries such as:

  • Diseases of the locomotors system of various etiology.
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Diseases of the mental origin neurosis and depression syndrome.
  • Diseases of the autoimmunological origin.
  • Sports medicine.
  • Widely understood spa and wellness.

Procedure description

One cycle of cryotherapy usually consist of 10 – 30 procedures performed once or twice a day. However, in twice a day option, there should be 4 – 6 hour break between treatments. Local criostimulation is a part of cryorehabilitation. Immediately after the procedure, patients undergo kinesiotherapy which is individual exercises lasting 30 – 60 minutes.