An efficient lymphatic system is the foundation of a functioning immune system

The ability to freely take care of our physical fitness and our muscular well-being and reduce stress through moderate exercise has fallen by the wayside for many people, and staying at home is and will continue to be our new daily routine for a long time to come. Of course, another bicycle or treadmill put in the house, Internet programs and exercises in front of a monitor have also become a trend. These are highly effective and recommended by medical and physical culture experts. But what are those people to do who don’t feel like doing an at-home “cardio workout” on a treadmill or have too little space in front of the TV to perform the eccentric figures suggested by trainers?

What is the lymphatic system?

It works with the circulatory system and participates in the transport of lymph. Lymph is a watery intratissue fluid that transports the proteins, electrolytes and lymphocytes it contains. Lymphocytes control attacks of life-threatening microorganisms and pathogens.

An inefficient lymphatic system and lack of stimulation can cause swelling. Swelling, in turn, causes further water retention in the body (cellulite is formed). Swelling in muscle tissue causes excessive muscle tension, tenderness and pain. This is caused by excessive adhesion of the fascia to the muscle.

How does the lymphatic system work?

The smallest structures of the lymphatic system are the capillaries. Their role is to collect tissue fluid from the inter-tissue space. Tissue fluid (lymph) containing, among other things, water, proteins, large numbers of lymphocytes (immune cells) enters the bloodstream to exchange substances between it and the blood. Recognized harmful substances are collected and exchanged between the blood and lymph and drained to the lymph nodes in the lymphatic system from where they are transported further to neutralize them. This process happens on the principle of pressure difference occurring between blood capillaries, where there is high pressure, and venous vessels with lower pressure. This unidirectional movement of fluid is controlled by valves.

The point of contact between the lymphatic system and the blood system is the so-called thoracic duct, which role is to collect lymph from the upper left side of the body and all of the lower body, transporting it further to the left subclavian vein, and the right lymphatic duct, which collects lymph from the upper right side of the body.

What is good and what is bad for lymphatic system?

Proper lymph circulation as well as blood circulation takes place through the work of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and is aided by skeletal muscle contraction. Physical activity, exercise of moderate but regular intensity keeps blood and lymph circulation at optimal levels. All immune processes related to circulation and lymph exchange are preserved and our body is fit and ready to fight infections, for example.

Sedentary lifestyle, aversion to exercise or limited opportunities for active exercise do not have an activating effect on our immune system. The earliest observable effects of lack of proper circulation are swelling of the lower extremities (foot, calf) and upper extremities (fingers, hand, arms), feelings of heavy legs due to stasis, and emerging cellulite. Accumulating fluid is the reason for deformation of the skin not only on the lower limbs, but also on the abdomen, buttocks and arms. The skin becomes bulging, undulating with different coloring. The result of such a condition is for the skin the appearance of water cellulite and for the circulatory system varicose veins or even chronic venous insufficiency. The problems do not affect only elderly, overweight or obese people. They are just as likely to occur in young and slim people who are insufficiently concerned with the proper condition of their muscles and are immobile. Additional contributing factors are stress, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, use of contraceptives.

BOA device history

Metrum Cryoflex company, in the 1990s, for people with inefficient lymphatic system including patients after oncological operations, constructed the world’s first device for sequential lymphatic drainage, which supports, and in home conditions replaces, manual lymphatic drainage. Several thousand Polish BOA devices work in physiotherapy clinics, spas, aesthetic medicine clinics, cosmetology offices in Poland, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Scandinavia, USA. “Amazons” who require daily lymphatic drainage use our apparatuses at home reducing the need to visit physical therapists.

BOA device is a Polish product, constructed by a medical company and certified in accordance with the Medical Directive of the European Union. Metrum Cryoflex’s Research and Development team focused on the quality and safety of the treatment by constructing BOA together with medical specialists. The treatment algorithms, control of valve operation and air flow through the chambers, as well as the pressure difference in each chamber, are consistent with the anatomical structure and physiological function of the vascular, cardiac and lymphatic systems. No other device has such high-tech solutions used for the purposes of maintaining the maximum level of safety of the procedure and high efficiency. The treatment algorithms are based on the lymphatic drainage technique developed by Dr. Emil Vodder. Only technologically advanced apparatuses of BOA device have the chance to automatically perform lymphatic drainage using the Vodder technique without the need to invite a masseur to your home or go to a rehabilitation office.

Lymphatic drainage with the BOA Max 2 device.

Lymphatic drainage is a technique that supports and activates lymph flow. Since it is not an ordinary massage technique, it must be performed manually by a qualified physiotherapist in a health center or professional studios of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Physiotherapists have often limited possibilities to perform these treatments in their practices. Rehabilitation at home is limited or even impossible.

However, lymphatic drainage can be performed at home using “artificial intelligence” incorporated into BOA 2 MAX medical device for lymphatic drainage and sequential compression massage (prssotherapy). It does not require the presence of a physiotherapist and there is even no need to leave home. In addition to stimulating the lymphatic system, it was created to support muscle work, “gymnastize muscles” and provide them with oxygen, take away metabolic substances, reduce body fat, eliminate edema, reduce cellulite, reduce stress, improve sleep.

Najlepszy aparat do masazu lifatycznego profesjonalnego antycellulitowego BOA

Compression cuffs with the highest level of safety, comfort and quality

Perfectly fitted

The apparatus has the highest quality 24th chamber “trousers” cuffs for the lower body and “jacket” cuffs for the upper body, as well as 12th chamber cuffs for the leg and arm. The cuff size is adjustable with zippers. They can also be increased in size with appropriate expanders.

Highest safety of the procedure

As many as 99% of devices in the world do not have an algorithm compatible with the Vodder technique and there is no possibility of regulating the pressure in the chambers. The use of such devices is associated with a high risk of excessive lymph accumulation in the area of its outflow to the nodes, causing dangerous swelling and damage.

Why BOA Max 2 and not other devices?

All other devices in the world do not have the algorithm in accordance with the Vodder technique and there is no chance to control the pressure in the cambers (small number of chambers in the cuffs). Use of such devices involves the risk of excessive lymph cumulation in the site of its outlet to the lymph nodes. It can lead to a painful and dangerous oedema and damage to the lymph nodes.

Treatment algorithms, control of the valves and airflow by chambers as well as pressure difference in given chambers are in line with anatomical and physiological function of cardiovascular and lymphatic system. No other device offers such technologically advanced solutions used in other to maintain very high level of treatment security and high efficacy.

Settings tailored to individual needs

Smooth gradient regulation

Individually controlled maximal pressure is reduced in accordance with the pressure gradient in lymphatic or venous vessels. As a result of gradient regulation, a strong beginning of the massage in parts of the body distant from inguinal nodes (feet, shank) smoothly proceeds to a massage of a medium and low strength at the level of thighs, pelvis and abdomen (in accordance with manual drainage method).

Pace regulation

Individually controlled massage pace parameter can be used for lymphatic drainage:

  • With short time
  • With average time
  • With low intensity
  • With average intensity
  • With high and dynamic pace in the case of classical massage Strong sports massage can be strengthened with pulse massage.

Easy to use programs

Easy start with 6 pre-programmed treatment algorithms

The device has 6 pre-programmed treatment algorithms developed by professional physiotherapists. Select programme, define the maximal pressure and start the massage.

Possibility to introduce own algorithm on 16 pre-defined algorithms

A special feature of BOA Max 2 device is the possibility to introduce own treatment parameters (pressure, gradient, tempo, pause, cycle), choosing one of 16 pre-defined algorithms for lymphatic drainage or massage.

Possibility to create own algorithm

BOA Max 2 is the only device in the world for lymphatic drainage which gives a possibility to create own algorithm. The user can set most efficient and pleasant massage creating pressure algorithm different than those suggested by the manufacturer.

Vodder technique drainage

Each of pre-set algorithms is started with a drainage known from a classic manual massage technique opening lymph outlets to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes, deep inguinal nodes and abdominal nodes.

High drainage efficacy is obtained when the inguinal area is cleared to order to effectively drain lymph by vertical lymphatic vessels (draining the tissue between the toes and the navel) and horizonal lymph vessels draining lymph from the pelvis. Only after such preliminary drainage, can drainage in the direction from foot to the abdomen be performed. In medicine this is called the Vodder technique. Each opening drainage algorithm on BOA device is called the same.

Highest treatment security All other devices in the world do not have the algorithm in accordance with the Vodder technique and there is no possibility to control the pressure in the cambers (small number of chambers in the cuffs). Use of such devices involves the risk of excessive lymph cumulation in the site of its outlet to the lymph nodes. It can lead to a painful and dangerous oedema and damage to lymph nodes.

Aparat BOA Max 2 do masażu limfatycznego